🧁 cupcake.css

Variables reference

On this page you can check all available names and their default value.


Global variables describing visual-key settings that have an high impact the looks & feel of the website.

Name Default value Description
--body-wrap 64em The default value for wrapping the content inside the body. Leave this empty to make the layout flexible.
--body-wrap-padding 0 calc(50vw - 50%); TBD


A reference for all color variables.

Name Default value Description
--background #FAFAFA Color for the background of the page. Buttons get this as text color by default.
--text #262626 Mainly used for all text that does not get overriden by any oher variable.
--primary #E11D48 Primary color which get's applied to hyperlinks, buttons, selection and accent-color.
--grayscale-1 #F5F5F5 Grayscale value to give enough flexibility for styling.
--grayscale-2 #E5E5E5 Grayscale value to give enough flexibility for styling.
--grayscale-3 #D4D4D4 Grayscale value to give enough flexibility for styling.
--grayscale-4 #737373 Grayscale value to give enough flexibility for styling.
--grayscale-5 #525252 Grayscale value to give enough flexibility for styling.
--grayscale-6 #404040 Grayscale value to give enough flexibility for styling.


Name Default value Description
--font-sans -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, ... Useful font stack which provided enough fallbacks.
--font-serif Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif Font stack for commonly used serif fonts
--font-mono 'Courier New', Courier, monospace Font families mainly used for code and code-blocks